Billf's Guestbook

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flag as inappropriate StreetVoyeur    Aug. 21, 2022
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thanks for your nice and encouraging words on my pm inbox ... can't answer you directly as I am a non pay member here

have a look to my last post and my answer to this testosteron driven cock guy ... he goes on my nerves in the emantime

it is about the people here who bash others (I got lots of them in the past) and I deleted 2 blogs already the past years. I'm here since 2012 with another inactive blog and I follow the situation quite serious. VC is dead and it all started with the fake guys and the comment deleting. The fun is gone and I don't know why I'm always back here again ....

at the moment I have fun with the pool sex photos .... some like it, some not
I also have fun with clothed pics .... also those pics some like it some not

I think it is not always about cocks and pussies and fucking - have a look to voyeurweb, where all thats stuff started .... this is a nice mixture of photos and contires - unfortunately the commenting is crap there and conversations are very limited

thanks again and take care and enjoy my photos
btw: there is a last serieous of pool fucking pics and then I am done with that stuff LOL
I was just testing how quick I can get up in reputation points and earn another star, but this is obviously gone in the meantime - some others get 1 or 2 stars more when they post 5 pics every 2 days ... me not !

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This is VCity's Guestbook of 'Billf'. VCity is the interactive erotic playground for adults, who love to share and look at sexy private photos and videos as well as to communicate which each other. Please feel free to leave your general comments for Billf on this page. If you would like to start a more private conversation, please use VCity's Private Messaging System (VResidents only).

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